A Press release is one kind of brief news and stories written by marketing representative or public relations professional and distributed with various media publication in digital and print media outlets.
Press Release is also known as a media statement, news release, announcement about your product and services news bulletin.
In todays time there many digital news sites and publication to spread the story people are reading digital news and story these days so rather than giving your news and company announcement in traditional format like newspaper and magazine, you can publish your story and news article in these digital news and publication in online format.
For company or organisation press release is very important to tell it’s on going and future events, happening it will improve your SEO ranking and visibility of the organisation which can create trust and branding of company.
600 to 700 Words Story or news are sufficient with headline of 60 to 70 character to rank in google and search engine.
We should consider some basic point while drafting a press release as follows:
There should be One headline, one subhead line, introduction and quotes and contact.
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company